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What are PPM files?
It is a 24-bit color image formatted in a text format. PPM stands for Portable Pixmap Format and was developed to facilitate the exchange of images between different platforms.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of the PPM format?
The PPM format is a multimedia standard in the current world of digital content. And it shows the following advantages and disadvantages:
- In general, it is easy to write programs capable of processing the PPM format.
- They are effective as an intermediate format for transferring image information.
- It can be used in different types of software and for multiple purposes.
- PPM files can be large due to their lack of compression, they are not ideal for storing images on a large scale.
- Only compatible with certain software, may take time to open for the first time.
- Does not include much information about an image when using PPM.
PPM Format FAQs
How to open a PPM file?
PPM files can be opened with graphics programs such as Adobe Photoshop, Paint Shop Pro and GIMP.
Are PPMs raster or vector files?
PPM files use the raster format, use color pixels to display visual content, and usually store digital photographs.
How to create and edit a PPM file?
PPM files can be created and edited with Adobe Photoshop and GIMP.
Are PPM files compressed?
No. It is not compressed, which makes it less ideal for storing large-scale images than other types of bitmap files.